Before moving on to the places you need to see in this sparkling and fascinating city, we answer frequently asked questions and start your New York trip.

In which month should you travel to New York?

New York is quite snowy and windy in winter. In the summer it is hot and humid. For a nice holiday, you can choose April-May or September-October.

What is a New York City pass?

A card prepared for tourists that allows you to visit approximately 70 sightseeing points free of charge.

How long does it take from New York to Türkiye?

The distance between Türkiye and New York is 8052 kilometers. The flight takes approximately over 10 hours.

1. Central Park

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Located exactly in Manhattan, the park covers a total area of ​​843 acres. Considered one of the largest city parks in the world in this respect, Central Park also hosts waterfalls, bridges, music and art performances.

The city park, which remains open until late at night, was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, one of the country's first landscape architects. Among the must-see places in Central Park are Strawberry Fields, Belvedere Castle, Turtle Pond and the Big Lawn. In Central Park, which is visited by an average of 40 million people a year, you can also benefit from picnic, jogging and fitness areas, as well as pedicab tours. To explore the famous park closely, you should take a look at the Central Park article.

2. Fifth Avenue

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Likewise, Fifth Avenue, one of the symbolic places of New York, is actually a place we are familiar with from Hollywood movies. Fifth Avenue, located in the northern part of Manhattan, hosts the most luxurious and expensive shopping stores in the world. It is possible to encounter giant buildings wherever you turn your head on this busy street, which is literally the heart of the city. Fifth Avenue, which has a length of 10 km, has been used since 1811.

Designed as a village road at that time, the street became universally famous, especially after 1950. The street, which has a strong economic position, is also the focus of many marketing strategies. Apart from the Empire State Building, there are also historical buildings such as Rockefeller Center and the New York Public Library on the street, where many brands, especially the Apple Store, are represented.

3. Times Square

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Located in the Broadway area, Times Square is a place that every tourist coming to New York should visit. This large square, which hosts the Empire State, the city's tallest building, attracts attention with its iconic billboards. The shining city lights and huge skyscrapers leave their mark on Times Square.

The main New Year celebrations take place here every year. Time Square offers a dream-like atmosphere with its acrobatics, music and dance shows, taxis always waiting, illuminated signs and Broadway shows. Also, if you are looking for interesting souvenirs, you can benefit from the square located between 42nd and 47th streets.

4. SoHo

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Located in the Manhattan district of New York, SoHo stands out as one of the most famous neighborhoods in the United States. It is possible to encounter 500 such buildings in SoHo, which houses the world's largest collection of cast iron buildings. The area, abbreviated as “South of Houston Street”, has undergone a significant architectural change from past to present.

This was part of the agricultural land offered to freed slaves in colonial times. The fate of the region completely changed when Augustine Herman bought this place in the early 1960s. Being the first free black district of Manhattan makes SoHo extremely valuable from a historical perspective. Today, SoHo is seen as a true entertainment center with its theatres, shopping malls, boutique shops and luxury stores. Off Broadway, the Drawing Center and the Fire Museum are also located in this area.

5. Chinatown

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Chinatown, one of the most original places in the city, allows you to see the effects of Chinese culture in New York. The region, which always attracts tourists' attention, offers reflections of Southeast Asian culture on every conceivable subject, from food to souvenirs. Every detail has been considered to experience the Chinese atmosphere in Chinatown.

Immigrants who came to the USA in the 18th century had a great influence on the formation of the neighborhood. This migration, which became more intense after the 1900s, led to the formation of popular neighborhoods such as Chinatown. In Chinatown, which stands out especially with its delicious Chinese food, you can visit open fish markets, spice markets and shops selling extremely interesting souvenirs.

Kaynak: Haber Merkezi